Sunday, May 26, 2013

Edit your code in the cloud with bitbucket

Those nice chaps over at bitbucket have added a feature where you can edit a file in the cloud and commit it straight back into its branch on your repository.

Very useful for quick urgent bug fixes or typo mistakes that don't really require you to pull then update then commit and push etc. Actually you may be on a machine without the repo saving you from having to clone the entire repo. They can get quite big and take a while when the codebase gets big or old.

Really the exciting thing about this is when you are out and about with just an iPad or tablet and need to make a change as via the browser you can edit,get syntax highlighting and diff functionality and commit directly on the central repository.

Here is a screenshot of the new edit button:

The following screenshot shows multiple language syntax highlighting alongside a diff tool and smart indenting options:

All good stuff and I shall be giving this a spin the next time i need to fix a bug or typo. So straight away basically!

More info and a link to create a free account from the bitbucket blog.

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